Month: February 2023

Thyroid Disease: 5 Tell-Tale Signs

Thyroid disease is a nationwide epidemic. It is lurking in the midst of millions of people, mostly women over 50, and is a large cause for so many feeling horrible. The thyroid can be over-functioning, which is called hyperthyroidism, and more typically, under-functioning, which is known as hypothyroidism, or low thyroid. Hypothyroidism is much more […]

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Clean Up Your Fruits & Veggies

Here is a quick and easy guide for reducing pesticide exposure put out annually by the Environmental Working Group. The Clean 15 are fruits and veggies that you can buy conventionally with a lowered concern for buying organic. But the Dirty Dozen are the filthy ones with the highest pesticide content and this is where

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Menopause:  A New Beginning!

Hey Ladies and Gentlemen! This whole menopause and hormonal thing has many of you perplexed, but there is hope! And there is a reason for all of it. And the reason is…well, for you to figure it all out of course! Can you figure it out? Are you up for the challenge? Remember there is

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UPDATE: A Massive (In) Justice!

UPDATE: Wonderful news for the Kidson family in the UK! I posted a blog article here about it a couple of weeks ago. Here is an email I received from Dr. Hertoghe about the great news: Many thanks for your testimonies and petitions. MARY KIDSON, the mother of the hormone-treated child, is CLEARED OF ALL CHARGES

UPDATE: A Massive (In) Justice! Read More »

Really Old School Eating

In my book, The Hormone Zone, I discuss one of the best ways to eat for optimal health. It spells out how to eat like our ancestors did. Old School Eating…or, Before there was School Eating. Our ancestors, going way back over 10,000 years ago, used to eat in a particular way, with little variance

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Squeeze Your Way to Recovery!

Aches, twitches, stitches, cramps, spasms, stiffness, discomfort, and pain! How do you help yourself? Exercise is wonderful for you, but it also can beat you up if you are not careful. When I was much younger, my pre-workout warm up consisted of walking really close to a couple of overheated drip-sweating patrons. And through the grace of

Squeeze Your Way to Recovery! Read More »

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