Month: January 2023

Vitamin “Hormone” D

Vitamin “Hormone” D is an amazing vitamin responsible for a multitude of physiological functions in your body.  And it seems that this potent energizing cancer-protecting “pro hormone” is epidemically low across the population.  Let’s explore this underestimated vitamin that is making a epic return to the forefront of medicine, why it’s important, and why most

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Broken Things

A wrist watch, a car window, and a satellite dish. I watched in horror when they all broke, not knowing what my next move would be. How was I going to move forward if I did not have these things? Why were they breaking now? Can I repair them? Of course I can, I will

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Weight Loss Potential of Bitter Orange

Metabolism enhancement comes in many forms.  There are many different weight loss supplements available on the market and not all are safe or have any science behind their clinical effectiveness.  However, some are better than others and “Bitter Orange” has excellent potential to aid in your metabolic boosting quest.  Read on… The Basics Citrus aurantium,

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Natural Thyroid Hormone

There is hope for patients with low thyroid function and its a “little pig in a blanket!”  Most hypothyroid patients come to me already prescribed the typical thyroid medications such as Synthroid, Levoxyl, or the generic levothyroxine.  In 2008 alone, doctors wrote over 34,000 prescriptions for the generic levothyroxine and over 31,000 prescriptions for the

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