Your Makeup May Be Linked to Early Menopause

Who would of thought that a woman’s makeup could be causing early menopause?  But it’s not just cosmetics.  Insidiously common little chemicals that we seem to not be able to live without, are silently and effectively harming us from within

 Who’s the Little Culprit?

Perflourocarbons (PFCs) are stable chemical compounds with a multitude of commercial and industrial uses.  PFCs have been used in medical applications for eye surgery and particularly as a contrast medium during imaging studies such as an MRI.  PFCs are even found in pizza boxes, popcorn bags, lipstick and other cosmetics, computer mice, water repellants, stain repellents used in clothing, and as the lining to non-stick cook ware.  Everyday common items.

 So How Are PFCs Linked to Menopause?

A recent research article from March 2011 published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism has found a significant increase in women entering into early menopause when their blood levels of perflurocarbons were highest.  This study included more than 26,000 women between the ages of 42 and 64, and concluded the higher the perfluorocarbons in the blood, the earlier the menopause.  It was a highly significant correlation that should send shock waves through the medical community, particularly in endocrinology, the medical specialty dedicated to hormones.

This new study really should not come as a surprise.  We have known for many years now that the sensitive endocrine organs such as the ovaries and the thyroid are very susceptible to insult from foreign chemicals.  These types of chemicals are known as “endocrine disruptor chemicals.”  Hopefully, the continued awareness will help consumers make better choices about their personal exposure to these types of products and ultimately seek out safer alternatives.

The Quick List of PFCs

Personal care products including:  cosmetics, shampoos, dental floss, denture cleaners, nail polish, facial moisturizers, and eye make-up.  Simply avoid personal-care products made with Teflon® or containing ingredients that include the words ”fluoro” or ”perfluoro.”

Non-stick cookware (released into the air at high temperatures) . If you choose to continue using non-stick cookware, avoid heating it above 450ºF or while unattended on the stove. Once the non-stick coatings show signs of deterioration, throw it away.

Stain-resistant materials
Water-resistant materials
Fire-resistant materials
Plastic containers
Food packaging
Cleaning products

Be sure to avoid purchasing, or at the very least minimize, what you can and attempt to buy products for you and your family that are as natural as possible.  Generally speaking, the axiom of “as close to nature as possible” applies here beautifully.

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