What is your skin telling you?

Everyone has a story, but did you know it is often written on our skin? We don’t mean palm reading here. The first thing I like to tell my patients is that the skin is often a big reflection of what is happening on the inside. Today we specifically look at what’s happening on the inside in patients with Psoriasis.

With most skin treatments, you may hear your doctor explain that results will appear in 4 weeks.  This is because the epidermis, or most superficial layer of the skin, sloughs off over the course of 28 days. As dead skin is lost, new cells mature and migrate to the skins surface. Skin treatments such as the PRP-facials and Topical Retinoids (Vitamin A) enhance the dead skin cell sloughing and promote new cell maturation.

What about patients who struggle with Psoriasis? This process of cell regeneration is accelerated from 28 days to 3-4 days. As a result, new skin cells that have not matured are pushed to the surface and collect with dead skin. This condition leaves patients with plaques of skin covered in scales located on the elbows, knees and sometimes body wide. Although not contagious, the appearance of these patches can be embarrassing and for some itchy.

Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition, meaning the body is essentially attacking itself. Psoriasis can also come in combination with other autoimmune disorders impacting the joints, colon and other organ systems. Conventional treatments of topical or systemic steroids will provide temporary relief and can be necessary in severe cases.

At The DermeZone we address Psoriasis using a body wide approach. For example, certain medications taken internally including lithium, antimalarials, quinidine, indomethacin can cause psoriasis flairs. (1) Additional triggers include alcohol, smoking,  physical injury to the skin and certain foods. Addressing these internal triggers can help reduce the number of flairs Psoriasis patients experience.

Our comprehensive approach includes an in depth general health screening including assessment for vitamin deficiencies such as vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with Psoriasis (2) and is easily fixed with proper supplementation.  Our immune system is often impacted by the food we consume regularly. Food sensitivity screenings are performed to identify which foods are increasing body wide inflammation and should be avoided. Upon identifying triggers we are able to provide patients customized GUT HEALING PROTOCOLS,  MEAL PLANS, and NUTRIENT IV THERAPY.

After eliminating environmental body burdens, addressing nutritional deficiencies, and providing individualized nutrition protocols we provide additional treatments at our office including ACUPUNCTURE. Uniquely used for a variety of ailments, acupuncture targets the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Treatments are 20 minutes in length, are practically painless, and when routinely received can be very helpful in healing psoriasis flairs.

The DermeZone prides itself on combining modern cutting edge with the treatments with the traditions of natural medicine. Our patient feel the difference on the inside and see the difference on the outside. DermeZone where patients are Noticeably, Natural.

-Dr. Beth Bendokaitis


(1) Causes of Psoriasis. (n.d.). Retrieved September 08, 2017, from https://www.psoriasis.com/psoriasis-causes

(2) Publications, H. H. (n.d.). Psoriasis and vitamin D deficiency. Retrieved September 08, 2017, from https://www.health.harvard.edu/diseases-and-conditions/psoriasis-and-vitamin-d-deficiency

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