Combat Viral Infections with Immune Boosting Lysine

While strengthening your immune system is key to preventing illness, there is a possibility of catching a virus at one point or another in your life. Here at The Hormone Zone, we’re here to help you!

It is not new information that nutritional intravenous (IV) and intramuscular (IM) therapy offer great benefits. Therefore, to help combat viral infections such as the common cold and flu, and also Herpes Simplex Virus, we have formulated an IV and an IM with Lysine and N-Acetylcysteine (NAC). Research studies have shown antiviral activity in Lysine, which is an amino acid that helps build protein in our body. Combined with the powerful antioxidant, NAC, this formulation is one to keep in your toolbox through your healing journey.

Boost your immune system with Lysine. Schedule an appointment with our medical professionals today!

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