Andropause: What is it and How Can it Affect You?

Andropause, or low testosterone, is something that many people haven’t heard of. They’re more familiar with the female version – menopause – and the hormonal imbalances that go along with it. Andropause, for those who aren’t in the know, is the male version of menopause. In fact, it’s often referred to simply as Low T or Low Testosterone. At The Hormone Zone, we individually assess each patient to determine the best course of treatment to relieve their symptoms, meet treatment goals, and address the root source of the problem. If you think that you’re affected by andropause, there are a number of things that you need to know. It can greatly affect your life, but it can be treated. Let’s go over some of the details here:

How Does Andropause Occur?

Just like in women, men’s hormone levels decline as they age. Testosterone – the most important hormone in men, as it controls everything from energy levels to sexual prowess and even how quickly muscles are built – peaks when a man is 20. After that, it typically declines by around 1% per year. However, it can disappear more quickly after it peaks, leaving men without enough of this important hormone. This is what causes andropause. The age at which men hit andropause depends on a number of factors, including their genetics, their overall lifestyle, and what type of environment they live in. Not all men will go through andropause.

What Are the Symptoms?

If you think that you’re going through low testosterone, then there are a number of symptoms to look for. Note that many of them overlap with female menopause. The difference here is that in women, those hormone levels drop much more quickly, leaving them with more severe symptoms. In men, they’ll drop more slowly, so these symptoms creep upon them. With that said, the main symptoms of andropause include the creation of additional abdominal fat, a lack of energy, mood swings, hot flashes, irritability, sweating, and even thinning skin. These symptoms might appear one by one, or all at once. They might even come on gradually, starting off slowly and then worsening over time.

How Do I Know That I Have It?

First, it is important to note your symptoms. The ones listed above are many of the most common. Having one or more of them is a sign that you might be suffering from a drop in hormone production. Also, you can get a blood test that will show how much testosterone you have in your system. Our experts can look at your hormone levels and determine if low testosterone is the cause of your symptoms.

What Can Be Done?

Thankfully, andropause can be treated with testosterone replacement therapy. This can restore your hormone levels back to where they should be. Once this happens you’ll be out of andropause and will feel like your old self again. While you still run the risk of having a hormone deficiency, since your body is no longer producing enough testosterone naturally, this treatment will help. Contact our medical professionals today to learn more about how to treat the effects of low testosterone with Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

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