STUDY: Comparison of Outcomes for Hypogonadal Men Treated with Intramuscular Testosterone Cypionate versus Subcutaneous Testosterone Enanthate

At The Hormone Zone, we have been utilizing this advanced technique of Subcutaneous Testosterone Injections since 2015, now with over 7 years of experience perfecting its application. I am committed to staying on the cutting edge of this medicine, and I quickly understood that Subcutaneous Testosterone Injections was a superior way to administer hormone, keeping the levels steady, preventing large spikes and dips, which is the main reason side effects are kept to a minimum. For as long as this technique has been around, most doctors still tell patients to inject intramuscularly (IM) and only provide that option.

Beyond even the parameters of this excellent study, we have further perfected how to administer Subcutaneous Testosterone Injections achieving superior results for both men and women. I personally encourage you to come explore the difference.

Contact us to learn more or to schedule your appointment today.

Reference: Comparison of Outcomes for Hypogonadal Men Treated with Intramuscular Testosterone Cypionate versus Subcutaneous Testosterone Enanthate

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