Foreward by Dr. John C. Lowe

It is with an immense amount of pride that I share with you the humbling foreward written by Dr. John C. Lowe for my upcoming book. He is a true scholar and a shoot-from-the-hip gentleman of a rare kind.

I hope this gets you excited for the book, on shelves and e-readers in just a couple of short weeks!

Dr. Robinson


Dr. John Alexander Robinson is undoubtedly one of the most hormone-knowledgeable physicians available today to patients and other physicians. As I read the manuscript to his book, THE HORMONE ZONE: Navigate Metabolism Towards Whole Health Transformation, I could not help but think of my face-to-face meeting with him at a conference four years ago where I had given a presentation. Most of us humans can sense extremely high intelligence and extraordinary knowledge when we meet it head on, and that was my experience with Dr. Robinson—despite his comparative youth. His youth is noteworthy in that, upon reading THE HORMONE ZONE, readers will take comfort in knowing that he has decades to provide wise clinical care and to write more exceptional books.

I remember my conversation with Dr. Robinson at that conference. I was impressed with the depth and breadth of his knowledge of metabolism and how hormones regulate it. I was not surprised, as most naturopathic medical physicians are well educated about metabolic disorders and their treatment. But Dr. Robinson’s knowledge, it was obvious to me, went far deeper. As the contents of THE HORMONE ZONE tell me, his knowledge of hormones and health has grown even deeper, and it matches that of any other physician or researcher I know who is an expert in the field.

Dr. Robinson’s descriptions of the various hormones, especially thyroid hormone, and their effects on our bodies and minds are crystal clear. With his clear prose, he explains how to use hormones and synergistic medicinal agents to enhance one’s health, giving an abundance of treatment guidelines that will prove helpful to both patients and their physicians. THE HORMONE ZONE is comprehensive, covering each of the hormones our health depends on, and he has massively documented his full coverage from the scientific literature. One must admire the weight he bore on his shoulders, practicing clinically as he did, while assembling the complete coverage of hormones and health in his book.

Dr. Robinson eloquently explains that to acquire and maintain good health, we must cease to depend exclusively on conventional medical practice, while not abandoning it altogether. In the 1980s, the famed Robert S. Mendelsohn, MD turned away from that exclusive style of practice which he had taught at Loma Linda School of Medicine for some thirty years. He then called it “cut-burn-and-poison” medicine. Of course, conventional medicine has been a boon to mankind when we have used it thoughtfully and selectively. The mistake of those who advocate that style of medicine alone, as Robinson notes, is their overuse and over-dependence upon it. Dr. Robinson explains this in detail with the diplomacy of a 19th century British aristocrat. His clear and polite discourse is a refreshing tempering of tone. I say this as one of a cadre who opposed restriction to conventional medicine alone long enough ago that only with a harsh tone could we be heard. But Dr. Robinson explains the matter in terms palatable enough even for hardcore advocates of conventional medicine alone. And his words are persuasive as he explains that that approach limits personal responsibility and freedom and can deprive one of optimal health.

I strongly recommend THE HORMONE ZONE to physicians who have recently become interested in alternatives to conventional medicine alone. These physicians, often called “crossover doctors,” will find Dr. Robinson’s book a practical unabridged handbook, heavily scientifically documented, yet an easy-to-read segue into the integration of conventional and natural medicine.

All those seeking to improve their health—even those without a medical background—will benefit from Dr. Robinson’s point-by-point guidance to integrating the best of both natural and conventional medicine. He adroitly expresses the philosophy of open-mindedly and flexibly using what works best from any health care discipline. His implicit rationale is that metabolic disorders can be sustained or relieved by physical, hormonal, nutritional, psychological, and spiritual phenomena, and he explains how one can properly address each of these.

Vade mecum is a Latin term that means “go with me.” It refers to a book so valuable to the reader that he or she virtually always carries it about for easy and helpful reference. I predict that THE HORMONE ZONE will be the vade mecum of thousands of readers, myself included. I keep a few such books on my desk to refer to when I consult with patients and physicians. THE HORMONE ZONE is now among those reference books on my desk.

I trust that the value I feel in THE HORMONE ZONE and my admiration for Dr. John Alexander Robinson’s extraordinary feat in writing the book is obvious. I strongly recommend that this exceptional book be in your library, close at hand for easy reference to scientifically-sound information on hormones and health. I trust also that you will find his unique style of prose as gripping as I have. Dr. Robinson and THE HORMONE ZONE have my most enthusiastic endorsement.

John C. Lowe, M.A., D.C.

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