Erectile Dysfunction: A Comprehensive Treatment Option


As men age, some many find that their sexual performance is not what it used to be. This is a natural effect of aging, but just because a condition is ‘natural’ does not mean you have to endure it. Modern medicine has advanced to such a point that there are many ways we can treat erectile dysfunction and restore vigor to your sexual health.

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment from The Hormone Zone

The Hormone Zone is dedicated to helping you achieve your optimal health. One of our most effective treatments for ED is Testosterone Replacement Therapy. At The Hormone Zone, we understand that men have unique HRT needs are and bring the best possible solutions for optimizing results. We bring together multiple solutions to improve your Testosterone Replacement Therapy experience, including:

  • HCG Therapy (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)
  • Wellness Strategies
  • Pellets
  • Testosterone Cypionate Injections
  • Nutritional Approaches for Libido and ED
  • Priapus shot
  • Estradiol (oral pill)
  • Nitroglycerine gel
  • Cialis (oral pill)
  • Nitric oxide (oral pill)
  • Bremelanotide (peptide) injections
  • Apomorphine (oral lozenges)
  • Bromacriptine tablets
  • Alpha lipoic acid (oral pill)

Any or a combination of these protocols may be used in your personalized treatment plan. We will look at your entire medical picture to provide you with a comprehensive approach to your hormone therapy, including Prostate Health (PSA Testing), Cardiovascular Function (Hypertension or High Blood Pressure), Thyroid Function, and Human Growth Hormone (HGH) deficiency. Testosterone Replacement Therapy can greatly enhance a man’s life. It can improve his overall health and optimize his focus and attitude. Our experts will choose the best form of Hormone Replacement Therapy for you, based on an initial consultation and analysis.

This graphic shows how each of these therapies interact on your central nervous system, to treat erectile dysfunction and hormone deficiencies:

You Don’t Have To Suffer From Erectile Dysfunction

Before you feel resigned to your fate of diminished sexual performance in your later ages, contact us at Hormone Zone to learn about the effective treatments we offer for erectile dysfunction. We provide a wide range of processes and we can help you determine which is the right one for you.

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